Yes! It does when we commune with Christ and one another on the Thursday and Friday before Easter.

In a repeat of last year, our Maundy Thursday service will be a different type of worship service. “Passover Around the Table” will be held in the Gathering Area around tables where we will have a service of scripture, song, and samplings of a Seder meal. We will reenact the words spoken the last evening Jesus Christ spent with his disciples and share Holy Communion just like Jesus did in the Upper Room. You can RSVP for this event here!

By participating in worship on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, we more keenly feel the deep love Jesus had for his disciples and for us. Few of us have been to the Holy Land, but all of us can walk more personally with Jesus as he agonized and suffered for us on Thursday and Friday.  

These plus the continuous Prayer Vigil that we will have from Good Friday night to the Easter Sunrise service (sign up for your one-hour time slot here!) prepare us to experience the Easter triumph in a deeper way that is not possible without experiencing Maundy Thursday's and Good Friday's setback and loss. I encourage you to try them this year. Life is better when we share significant moments in intimate settings with people who care for one another. I promise you that your Holy Week will be better for it.

Connecting God and Grace to self and community,