Always a good idea, right?  But an especially good idea when it comes to church. 

 We are having conversations about best practices to get “our brand” – “out there.” We have together discussed yard signs around Easter, catchy phrases on our corner LED sign (people seem to like the humorous ones), stand-out feather flag signs at our entrances, the right look on Facebook and Instagram, and upping our worship live-stream game (which we have done well). All of these are worthy of reflection, conscious effort, and investment. 

However, the most effective practice is still the personal one where, like Jesus said to the young men (John 1:39) and Philip said to Nathanael (John 1:46), “Come and see.” We simply are more inclined to believe the experience of another whom we trust than any advertisement. Christmas Eve surprised us three months ago when, on a rainy day, we packed the Sanctuary at the 7 p.m. service, welcoming in total some 40-50% more people than we anticipated. Easter will likely be similar, especially if YOU are doing the inviting.

Times together are always a bit more special over a meal shared, especially when someone invites us to that meal. Invite someone you know to come for “dinner” next week on Maundy Thursday in our Gathering Area (RSVP here). It will be intimate and special as we remember together the first Last Supper. Invite someone you know to come for donuts (and a whole lot more) on Easter for the Sunrise service at 7 a.m., 9 a.m. for Modern service, and the 11 a.m. Traditional service. 

Don’t assume people have a place to go during Holy Week – many do not; and even if they do, they will greatly appreciate your grace in thinking about them. So invite someone for dinner … or donuts next week to come and see and enjoy a double-blessing.